Wednesday 26 February 2014

Baby Zi Hao's bear-themed diaper cake

 It was my pleasure to craft this dc for an ex-colleague's second bundle of joy! CONGRATULATIONS to the proud parents!!!

Thanks to the staff of Chinese Dept / EPS for the order and especially Coco for her heap of positive comments! Special thanks also go to Yvonne for the recommendation.... :)

Ducky-themed diaper cake

This diaper cake was crafted for Andrew and his colleagues for their GM's second bundle of joy. I was given the liberty to come up with any theme. While shopping one day, I saw this cute rubber ducky and so, here's a ducky-themed diaper cake!
Thanks Andrew and staff at Oasia Hotel!

Sunday 1 December 2013


                Meet Woofie! He's my 2nd
                towel puppy!

 (Specially crafted for Baby Piaget. Below the towel  puppy is a box of chicken essence for his new mum.)

A safari-themed diaper cake for baby Piaget..................

Esther ordered this diaper cake for her sister's 2nd bundle of joy, Baby Piaget.
Personally, I am really fond of this colour combi plus the cute blue elephant. Enjoy browsing!
Thanks for this repeat order, Esther! : )


Baby Kelly's Minnie Mouse diaper cake.....

This was a rush job! I was glad that I managed to complete 'baking' it and got it delivered on the day that Pauline (Chan) requested. Here are some photos of the Minnie Mouse themed diaper cake....

Thanks for your order, Pauline (Chan)! Special thanks also go to Judy (Pauline's sister)for her strong recommendation.

(This is my 1st attempt at making a lil' towel puppy!)

Baby Elmo for Baby Sean!

Hannah commented that this Baby Elmo themed diaper cake is really nice and Baby Elmo is 'too cute'! For me, it brought back many fond memories of my gals' growing up years as Sesame Street used to be their then (and even now) favourite TV prog!
Thanks, Hannah and friends for this dc order and for giving me the liberty to 'bake a diaper cake of any theme' for Bb Sean and not forgetting Alicia who helped in one way or another!